Charles Wesley

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Hark! The Heral...

Christ The Lord...

Hark! The Heral...

And Can It Be T...

Come, Thou Long...

Come, Thou Long...

Hark! The Heral...

Hark! The Heral...

Christ The Lord...

Hark! The Heral...

O For A Thousan...

Christ The Lord...

O For A Thousan...

Lo, He Comes Wi...

Hark! The Heral...

O For A Thousan...

Hark! The Heral...

Hark! The Heral...

Come, Thou Long...

Rejoice, The Lo...

And Can It Be T...

A Classic Adven...

Hark! The Heral...

Hark! The Heral...

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